Amputation after Poor Foot Wound Care
In a report from the MDH, it was alleged that Woodbury Estates neglected a resident when staff members did not know if there were any orders to provide care to her right foot after she had been discharged from the hospital.
Woodbury Estates Responsible for Maltreatment
The Minnesota Department of Health determined neglect was substantiated. The facility was responsible for maltreatment. The facility failed to ensure a nursing assessment was performed after the resident returned from the hospital. As a result, the resident experienced severe pain and ultimately an above the knee amputation.
The investigator conducted interviews with facility staff members, including nursing staff. The investigator contacted emergency personnel. The investigation included review of resident records, policies and procedures, complaints/grievances, and hospital records. Also, the investigator toured the facility and observed resident / staff interactions.
Hospital records indicated the resident presented to the emergency department for treatment of ischemic (lack of adequate blood flow from the heart to the foot) right foot. The hospital records indicated an ACE wrap had been previously placed for comfort measures for a sore ankle. The hospital records indicated the ACE wrap was removed at the facility and they discovered the underlying wound. The same documents indicated the resident’s foot was cold to touch and cyanotic (a bluish discoloration of the skin from inadequate oxygenation of the blood).
Contact an Experienced Attorney with Your Concerns
If you or a loved one has suffered a pressure sore injury or had problems with wound care in a nursing home or other care provider that serves the elderly in Minnesota please contact our firm for a free consultation and information regarding the obligations of the facility and your rights as a resident or concerned family member. To contact Attorney Kenneth L. LaBore, directly please send an email to:, or call Ken at 612-743-9048 or toll free at 1-888-452-6589 or fill out the form on this page to discuss your case.