Serious Coffee Burns to Resident at Vista Prairie
Minn Health Dept Substantiates Neglect Against Vista Prairie Copperfield
Vista Prairie Hot Coffee Burns. According to a report from the Minnesota Department of Health, the alleged perpetrator neglected the resident when the alleged perpetrator failed to follow the residents care plan and gave the resident coffee in a ceramic coffee cup. The resident suffered burns to his fingers and ended up with a right ring finger amputation due to the burn.
Resident Was Not Properly Supervised
The Minnesota Department of Health determined neglect was substantiated. The facility was responsible for the maltreatment. When the resident sustained burns to his left hand from a hot coffee cup, the facility did not put interventions in place to prevent the risk of recurrence. Three weeks later the resident’s right hand sustained burns from a hot coffee cup, which eventually led to an amputation of one of the resident’s fingers on his right hand.
According to the MDH report, during an interview, a member of management stated the resident had a special coffee cup that went everywhere with him. The cup was big so the resident could hold it better, but the member of management could not recall what it looked like. The member of management stated she was not in the facility when the incident (injury #1) occurred but understood the incident was witnessed by staff, staff intervened, the nurse practitioner got involved for treatment right away, and the burn was to the resident’s right hand. The member of management stated the resident started using an insulated coffee mug following the incident but was unsure whether the information was added to his care plan. When discussing the resident’s documentation, the member of management stated the nurse practitioner put in the incorrect information at first because it was the resident’s right hand that got burned. With further discussion regarding documentation in the resident’s record, the member of management denied a second burn incident and stated, “I only recall a right-hand burn.” During an interview, the resident’s medical provider stated the resident obtained burn injuries to fingers on both hands in two separate incidents. In the first incident, the resident burned three fingers on his left hand. In the second incident, the resident burned fingers on his right hand and reinjured the burns to his left hand, making them worse.
In conclusion, the Minnesota Department of Health determined neglect was substantiated
Contact An Experienced Attorney to Review Your Case
If you have questions or concerns about hot water scalding or coffee burns suffered by someone you love contact Attorney Kenneth LaBore for a Free Consultation at 612-743-9048.