Physical Altercations Between Residents
According to a report from the MDH Senative Services the facility neglected resident #1, resident #2, and resident #3 when they failed to ensure the residents were safe from physically abusing each other. This resulted in a violent altercation between the residents. Resident #2 stabbed resident #1 in the neck with a screwdriver. Resident #1 was treated at the hospital for his injuries
Senative Services Violent and Verbal Altercations
The report continues that the Minnesota Department of Health determined neglect was substantiated. The facility was responsible for maltreatment. The resident’s assessments and care plans identified the residents as being verbally and physically aggressive. Although staff were trained to redirect and de-escalate potential hostile interactions, a facility video camera captured a facility staff member sat close by and listened when resident #1, resident #2, and resident #3 exchanged hostile words and never attempted to redirect resident #1 and resident #3 as they approached resident #2 in a menacing manner. The facility staff only intervened after a violent physical fight ensued between the three residents. In addition, the facility’s Uniform Disclosure of Assisted Living Services (UDALSA) indicated two staff members were to be scheduled for the morning and evening shifts, but police reports, resident interviews, and staff schedules indicated one staff member was scheduled during the time each verbal and physical outburst ensued between the residents.
Contact Us to Discuss Your Concerns
If you have concerns about wound care, wrongful death or other neglect and abuse contact Attorney Kenneth LaBore for a free consultation at 612-743-9048 or by email at