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Resident Assaulted at Regent at Burnsville

Regent at Burnsville Investigated for Sexual Assault

In a report from the Minnesota Department of Health it is alleged that an alleged perpetrator (AP), a staff member from Regent at Burnsville sexually abused the resident when he fondled the resident’s genitals with digital penetration.

The Minnesota Department of Health determined the abuse was substantiated. The AP was responsible for the maltreatment. Video footage showed the AP was digitally penetrate the resident’s vagina and showed the AP rub the resident’s external genitals vigorously.

Perpetrator Admitted the Abuse to the MDH Investigator

The investigator conduted interviews with facility staff members, including administrative staff, nursing staff, and resident’s family. The AP declined an interview. The investigator contacted law enforcement and reviewed the law enforcement report. The investigation included review of the resident’s medical records, emergency room records, incident report, service delivery records, internal investigation notes, the AP personnel file, and facility policies and procedures related to maltreatment. Also, the investigator observed the resident’s living space and incontinent cares.

The law enforcement report indicated that the AP was arrested. The same report indicated during the interview, the AP admitted he used his finger to penetrate the resident’s vagina which was something he was never trained to do and was beyond the scope of job duties.

Perpetrator Violated Training

The AP’s personnel file indicated the AP received vulnerable adult abuse training.

Contact an Attorney if You Have Concerns

For a free consultation to discuss sexual abuse or assault of a vulnerable person contact attorney Kenneth L. LaBore for a free consultation at 612-743-9048 or by email at
