Resident Falls From Bed Suffers Broken Hip
Norris Square femur fracture. According to a report from the Minnesota Department of Health, the alleged perpetrator (AP), facility staff, neglected the resident when the AP failed to provide cares according to the resident’s care plan resulting in the resident falling out of bed while the
AP was changing the residents brief. The resident sustained a femur fracture.
MDH Substantiates Neglect Against Norris Square
The Minnesota Department of Health determined neglect was substantiated. According to the report, the Minnesota Department of Health determined neglect was substantiated. The AP was responsible for the maltreatment. The resident required the assistance of two staff for activities of daily living
(ADL’s). The AP independently changed the resident’s brief. The AP repositioned the resident’s bed and failed to lock the bed brakes. When the AP turned away from the resident who was laying on her side in bed, the resident fell out of bed. The momentum of the resident’s fall [rolling out] pushed the bed further away from the wall and the resident fell all the way to the floor. The resident was hospitalized with a femur fracture.
According to the MDH report, during an interview, the resident’s death record indicated the resident died at the facility 37 days after returningfrom the hospital. The resident’s death certificate indicated injury and trauma contributed to the residents death, and the immediate cause of death was probable complications of femur fracture due to a fall to the floor. In conclusion, the Minnesota Department of Health determined neglect was substantiated.
Contact An Experienced Attorney to Review Your Case
If you have questions or concerns about fall or fracture suffered by someone you love contact Attorney Kenneth LaBore for a Free Consultation at 612-743-9048.