Wound Care Concerns at Maple Hill Senior Living LLC
In a report from the MDH, it is alleged Maple Hill Senior Living LLC neglected the resident when facility staff failed to complete scheduled services. It is alleged the facility neglected the resident when facility staff failed to train unlicensed personnel on wound care before delegating that task. The resident’s toe became necrotic and swollen.
Substantiated Complaint Wound Care
Neglect was substantiated. The facility was responsible for the maltreatment. It is unknown if facility staff members failed to complete scheduled services on two separate occasions or if the resident refused the services. However, the facility neglected the resident when the facility did not train or competency test unlicensed personnel (ULP) before delegating wound care. The ULPs applied the dressing incorrectly and caused injury to the resident’s toe.
When interviewed, the facility RN said she did not train the ULPs to complete the resident’s wound care. The RN also said the hospice RN used bandage and band aide interchangeably when describing the wound care order. The RN said she gave Band-Aides to the ULP to put in the resident’s room. The RN said she should have called hospice to clarify the order. The RN also said she was not aware the hospice RN left Coban in the resident’s room. The RN also said the facility was unable to determine when the ULPs changed the dressing.
Contact an Experienced Attorney with Your Concerns
If you or a loved one has suffered a pressure sore injury or had problems with wound care in a nursing home or other care provider that serves the elderly in Minnesota please contact our firm for a free consultation and information regarding the obligations of the facility and your rights as a resident or concerned family member. To contact Attorney Kenneth L. LaBore, directly please send an email to: KLaBore@MNnursinghomeneglect.com, or call Ken at 612-743-9048 or toll free at 1-888-452-6589 or fill out the form on this page to discuss your case.