In a report from the MDH it was alleged that Ecumen Detroit Lakes Femur Fracture was the result of neglect. The report states that the facility neglected the resident when it failed to follow the resident’s plan of care and toilet the resident when scheduled. The resident fell and broke her femur (thigh bone). The resident was treated in the hospital and admitted to hospice two days later due to ongoing uncontrolled pain. The resident died three days after admission to the hospice.
MDH Substantiated Neglect
The Minnesota Department of Health determined that neglect was substantiated. The alleged perpetrator (AP), an unlicensed personnel (ULP), failed to complete the resident’s scheduled toileting and safety check on the overnight shift. The resident was not checked on or toileted for approximately six hours. The resident was found on the floor of her room and was sent to the emergency room where she was diagnosed with a fractured femur. The resident experienced uncontrolled pain and admitted to hospice to help manage the pain. The resident died five days after the fall.
Contact Us to Discuss Your Concerns
If you have concerns about falls and fractures, wrongful death or other neglect and abuse contact Attorney Kenneth LaBore for a free consultation at 612-743-9048 or by email at