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Death After Failure to Provide CPR
Death Can Occur After Failure to Provide CPR to a Nursing Home Resident

Facility and Provider Compliance – Failure to Provide CPR to Nursing Home Resident

Failure to provide CPR to nursing home resident.  As an attorney who handles nursing home abuse and neglect cases in Minnesota, I can attest that many cases of serious injury or death occur when the staff of a nursing home is not trained on how to handle both emergencies and gradual changes in condition which are signs of a injury, decline or medical complication.  I have reviewed records that supported a delay or failure to provide CPR to nursing home resident in many cases.

To participate in the Medicare and Medicaid programs, nursing homes must be in compliance with the federal requirements for long term care facilities as prescribed in the U.S. Code of Federal Regulations (42 CFR Part 483).

Under the regulations, the nursing home must have sufficient nursing staff. (42 CFR § 483.30)

Accidents. The facility must ensure that—

(1) The resident environment remains as free of accident hazards as is possible; and
(2) Each resident receives adequate supervision and assistance devices to prevent accidents. (42 CFR § 483.25 (h))

According to federal regulation 42 CFR § 483.20, resident assessment. The facility must conduct initially and periodically a comprehensive, accurate, standardized, reproducible assessment of each resident’s functional capacity.

(a) Admission orders. At the time each resident is admitted, the facility must have physician orders for the resident’s immediate care.
(b) Comprehensive assessments—(1) Resident assessment instrument. A facility must make a comprehensive assessment of a resident’s needs, using the resident assessment instrument (RAI) specified by the State.

Although, efforts are made to make accurate links and relayed information, these blogs are examples of neglect and other issues, please double check all information at: MDH Website

This website is not intended to provide legal advice as each situation is different and specific factual information must be obtained before an attorney is able to assess the legal questions relevant to your situation.

If you or a loved one has suffered an injury from neglect or abuse, including a failure to provide CPR to a nursing home, please contact our firm for a free consultation and information regarding the obligations of the facility and your rights as a resident or concerned family member. To contact Attorney Kenneth L. LaBore, directly please send an email to or call Ken at 612-743-9048.


Nursing Home Abuse and Neglect Lawyer Kenneth LaBore Offers Free Consultations and Serves Clients Throughout the State of Minnesota Call Toll Free at 1-888-452-6589
Nursing Home Abuse and Neglect Lawyer Kenneth LaBore Offers Free Consultations and Serves Clients Throughout the State of Minnesota Call Toll Free at 1-888-452-6589