Anika Home Care Cited with Neglect
In a recent report from the MDH it was alleged that Anoka Home Care neglected a client when they failed to provide appropriate care and services per the service plan, when the facility allowed unlicensed staff to work continuous 72 hour shifts and failed to have a registered nurse train the staff.
It was also alleged the AP neglected to provide requested cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) when the client became unresponsive, and the client died.
The Investigation Revealed Inadequate Number of Skilled Staffing
The Minnesota Department of Health determined that neglect against Anika Home Care was substantiated. The facility was responsible for neglect when they failed to ensure they had enough skilled nurses to care for the client 24 hours per day, per the service agreement. The facility allowed unlicensed personnel to work continuous 72-hour shifts with no plan for sleep, failed to ensure a registered nurse provided training to unlicensed staff, and failed to have a registered nurse available for consultation for unlicensed staff. A staff member who was working a scheduled 72-hour shift fell asleep, and woke to find the client, who had a tracheostomy and depended on a ventilator, not breathing. The client died.
Contact Us to Discuss Your Concerns
If you have concerns about wound care, wrongful death or other neglect and abuse contact Attorney Kenneth LaBore for a free consultation at 612-743-9048 or by email at